Manufacturered Happiness
A Little Piece of String
We have a cat. Clutter may be characteristic of Cat people. We sure have a clutter problem.
This afternoon I bought a 16# bag of Purina Cat Chow. We work 3 cats, 1 at our home, 2 at the Hotel/Pub. We run 2 lidded cat chow pitchers in the servicing of the 3 said, fed, cats.
So I am in the laundry room with a 16# bag of feline kibble. and an empty 5 gallon bucket. The seasoned feline chummer will tell you opening a larger bag of kitty kibble is not an easy thing. Some bags are glued shut with a by the #’s opening aire. Most are sewed shut with an impossible ripcord system. I did it right and ended up with a 6’ length of red string which languishes near me on my desk. I can’t shit-can it, it has use value. I’ll put it in my top desk drawer next to my sparking orbs.
10/14/17, 23:30: I read to here, which is all there was. I decide to check the sparking orbs. There they are in the drawer. Where’s the string??? There’s 3X5 cards, and a pill bottle (another thing I can’t throw away) fulla paper clips, and a set of tork heads, a lighter, a chip… but no red thread. My spirit sinks. Then I notice something under the pill bottle. My red thread! I’m so happy. Happier then I would have been if I had spied the thread right away. Think I’ll go to bed…