Bad Luck

                      Why A Black Cat?

         House Cats are little House Tigers.  As Tigers they feel they have Tiger gravitas.  To Us they are hairy mobile obstacles.  Crossing our paths is a classic Feline way to get noticed.  Stumbling over them is a classic Sapient way to notice them.  If the food bowl is empty, WATCH OUT!  If a door is closed, WATCH OUT!  If the cute little beggars just want attention, WATCH OUT, they can get underfoot in a New York minute.  And they are stealthy.  (See Kitty Prayers at this site.)  You never know.

         So why is it bad luck for a black cat to cross one’s path?  I think it comes from the dark ages when black cats were effectively invisible, especially at night? 

         It’s Midnight at Castle Black.  It’s dark as dark can be.  Jaime Lannister leaves his sister Cersei to make his way to the dungeon for a cool glass of milk. He feels his way along the damp stonewalls to the top of the stairs.  Clytemnestra, a black cat, sensing an opportunity darts up the stairs and crosses Jaime’s path tripping him up.  Jamie falls headlong down the stone steps booting Clytemnestra across the room into an iron maiden.  Sprawled on the cellar floor Jamie is of no mind to share his milk with Clytemnestra and Clytemnestra is in no condition to accept it.  Bad luck all around.